American Family Moves to Canada - How they did it

American Family Moves to Canada - How they did it

We are continuing our client success stories series. This American family moved from Oregon to Ontario, and this is how they did it. In recent years, Americans account for about 3% of the portion of new permanent residents to Canada. 

Background - American family wants to move to Canada

This family is a family of four, all American citizens. The parents are a highly educated couple, and the children are in elementary school.  

They decided they wanted to move to the Canada for a number of reasons. These included wanting to access public healthcare for their family, career opportunities, and they also felt that the country better reflected their values and wanted to raise their children there. 

Given their education and professional background, they were able to move relatively quickly to Canada. 

This couple retained us at the beginning of their journey to find out what steps they needed to take to become temporary and then eventually permanent residents of Canada. 

Solution - How American family moved to Canada

Both parents were professionals eligible for a work permit via the CUSMA professional program. Once the first person secured a job, they engaged us to prepare their CUSMA professional work permit application. Their partner and children were able to move with them, but the spouse of the CUSMA professional was not able to work. 

Once they moved, the spouse was able to network and obtain their own CUSMA professional eligible job offer. They again engaged our services to prepare their CUSMA Professional work permit application.

Meanwhile, their kids were enrolled in a Canadian public school. 

After obtaining a number of years of professional experience as CUSMA professionals, they engaged our firm to help them apply for permanent residency via the Express Entry Program. Given their ages, professional and educational background, they were able to secure an invitation to apply for permanent residence and were granted permanent residence status in Canada.  

Filing Process - Immigration from USA to Canada

CUSMA Professional Work Permit Applications:

  • The first person took about 3 months to secure an eligible CUSMA professional job. 
  • The second person took 6 months to secure an eligible CUSMA professional job (3 months after the move to Canada). 
  • Timeline from engagement of the firm to application: 2 weeks 
  • Work permit applications: Same day at the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel 

Express Entry 

  • 6 months from express entry profile creation to invitation to apply 
  • 12 months from invitation to apply to permanent residency 

The family is happily living, working, and studying in Ontario. They travel back to Oregon a few times a year to spend time with family and friends. 

The next step is for them to apply for Canadian citizenship. 

Next Steps - I am an American and want to move to Canada

We would love to help you on your journey. To get started, please schedule a strategy session with one of our immigration lawyers.

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